Building the world’s largest spatial multiomics dataset in oncology

MOSAIC is the world’s largest spatial multiomics dataset in oncology

MOSAIC is the world’s largest spatial multiomics dataset in oncology

How will MOSAIC help us fight cancer?

Through spatial omics MOSAIC will paint a picture of the dynamics between cells, highlighting key biological networks to enable precision medicine via the discovery of:

Disease Biology Illustration

New disease biology

  • Integrated, multimodal analysis of the tumor in its native architecture
  • A new understanding of the tumor microenvironment
Patient Subtypes

New patient subtypes

  • Identification of patients who are resistant or respond differently to certain drugs
  • A better understanding of how tumor-immune cell interactions differ in those patients

New biomarkers

  • Discovery of biomarkers that characterize patient subtypes
  • Improved diagnostics, treatment decision and clinical trial design
Drug Targets

New drug targets

  • Discovery of patient-specific drug targets
  • Development of more effective combination and personalized therapies
Match Treatment

Matching the right patient to the right treatment

  • Improved connection between patient biology and target discovery
  • Prescription of personalized therapies to the right patients

Why spatial biology?

Spatial biology brings a new dimension to cancer research because it maps biological molecules to their location within a tissue, capturing the spatial context.

When combined with data from technologies like imaging and genomics, spatial omics contributes to a rich, multiscale understanding of disease mechanisms.

Large-scale spatial omics data is essential to fuel research in cancer

The convergence of large-scale spatial omics data and AI will power the next revolution of oncology research. There is an urgent need for the whole cancer community to have access to these data to reveal groups of patients with distinct tumour/immune biology.

The MOSAIC initiative will overcome this limitation by creating a dataset of 7,000 tumor spatial transcriptomes, allowing scientists to conduct research on data from cohorts 100 times larger than what is currently possible.

Cancer indications
Patient samples
Data modalities
Total patients included
Spatial omics data generated
Single-cell omics generated

Data modalities

MOSAIC deploys a deep multimodal approach, covering six data modalities to capture the complexity of disease biology at multiple scales.

Spatial transcriptomics
Spatial transcriptomics
Single-cell RNA-Seq
Single-cell RNA-Seq
Bulk RNA-Seq
Whole Exome Sequencing
Whole Exome Sequencing
Digitized H&E
Digitized H&E
Clinical data
Clinical data

Cancer therapy areas

MOSAIC focuses on a selected cohort that includes seven cancer indications to create the largest spatial and multiomic atlas to date.

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer
Bladder Cancer
Bladder cancer
Glioblastoma (GBM)
Breast cancer
Breast cancer
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

MOSAIC is an initiative of academic, technology and AI partners formed to:

Generate spatial omics data

The MOSAIC initiative will create a multimodal dataset with spatial transcriptomes from 7,000 patients in 7 cancer types. This is the largest spatial omics atlas to date.

Develop and apply AI to spatial omics data

Data scientists will apply state-of-the-art interpretable AI to analyze large-scale multimodal patient data to drive cancer research forward.

Create standards for spatial omics

Common scientific governance will ensure full compliance of the MOSAIC project with regulations in order to set future standards for spatial omics research together.

MOSAIC researchers will harmonize data capture and standardize sample preparation across all tumor types.

How is MOSAIC structured?

MOSAIC is a large-scale initiative that combines patient samples and technologies from multiple institutions, hospitals and technology partners, who are joining forces with Owkin to create the largest multimodal, spatial omics atlas in cancer.

Contact us to learn how to get involved.

Founding Partners

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